Does Your Website Still Work for Local Moms?

Oct 21, 2020

Your local business website was looking pretty good when you set it up five, six, or ten years ago.  But if you haven't done much with it since, it's likely a bit dated. 

Website updates tend to get shoved to the bottom of the to-do list for many business owners who figure their up to date social media feed and emails are doing the job.

In a recent survey for our community of local business owners, the Members Club, we asked moms across the country how important websites are when making decisions about local businesses and 67% of moms said they were the most important online information they used.

So even if your Facebook page looks great and you post regularly, even if you have a huge email list and keep in touch consistently, even if you're at the top of the search results on Google, if your website is still rockin' clip art and using's definitely time to schedule a revamp.

The last thing you want to do is have a mom excited about your business but when she heads to your website for more information, she finds a non–mobile-friendly, cluttered, slow-loading site.  She'll hit that back button and head straight to your nearest competitor.

You might be thinking, "sure I'd love to update my site, but who has that kind of time or money?" 

Fair enough, but think about the amount of money and time you're putting into reaching new moms and trying to bring them in as customers.  67% of those moms are relying on your website to seal the deal which means that each time they back out of your site, you're throwing away a lot of opportunities for revenue and wasting your efforts. 

If you're planning ahead for 2021, be sure to put your website on the list of projects, your business will thank you for it.

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