3 Things Every Facebook Post Needs to Succeed

Dec 24, 2021

The 3 Steps to Perfect Facebook Posts

What makes a Facebook post stand out from the crowd?  There are a few simple steps you can take to be sure your post holds its own in a busy newsfeed.


First, let's talk images.  Every post needs to have some kind of image if you want it to be successful.  But when it comes to images, size matters.

Facebook recommends...

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Are You Responding to Messages Quickly Enough?

Dec 15, 2021

How Quickly Moms Want a Response From Your Local Business

With everything local business owners and marketers have on their plates, it's easy for some things to get lost in the shuffle.  

One thing you want to prioritize?  Responding to incoming messages to your business.  And not just responding, but responding quickly enough to meet moms' expectations.


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Google My Business is Gone, What Local Biz Need to Know

Dec 08, 2021

Get to Know the New Google Business Profile

It's the latest round of rebrands for the platform formerly known as Google My Business. Just when we finally got comfortable with the most recent updates, here we go again.  


The first thing to know about this update is that Google My Business is now known as Google Business Profile.  And your Google Listing is now a...

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How to Get More Referrals in Your Local Business

Dec 03, 2021

How to Boost Your Local Business Referrals

It's a great feeling to have someone call your business, interested in signing up or purchasing because they've heard such great things about you from their friends.  

Setting up a referral program to consistently encourage these calls can provide a big boost to your bottom line.  

But what's the best way to structure a referral program?...

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The Perfect Local Promo + Free Gift

Nov 25, 2021

The Perfect Local Promo


Holiday shopping still looks a little different this year with lots of online purchases, serious shipping delays, product shortages, and various COVID regulations still causing challenges for everyone.   

The good news?  Support for local businesses is as strong as it's ever been with moms wanting to keep their holiday dollars close to home.


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How to Get 22% Higher Profits

Nov 20, 2021

How to Grow Your Local Profits by 22%


Life as a small business owner or marketer can be challenging.  It can feel isolating at times, especially when you don't have a team of people to help bear the load of decision-making and endless tasks.  

How can time-strapped entrepreneurs increase their profitability and overall success?  By getting a coach.

Yep, that's it....

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Facebook Reels - Do They Work for Local Businesses?

Nov 10, 2021

Growing Your Reach with Reels on Facebook



If you think social media is constantly changing, you're right.  

In fact, Mark Zuckerberg himself shared on the Masters of Scale podcast, that at any given time, there could be 10,000 different versions of Facebook live all over the world.  They are constantly testing new features, new algorithm changes, and updates that you...

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5 Tips to Take Your Website From Good to Great

Nov 05, 2021

5 Tips to Take Your Local Site from Good to Great


Websites are standard for local businesses these days. Which makes sense when looking at our 2021 Local Moms Online Survey that found 84% of moms visit a local business' website when evaluating their local options.  But it also means that just having a website is not enough to set you apart.  

We've worked with...

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130% More Facebook Traffic? Letā€™s Talk About That.

Nov 01, 2021

Facebook groups can be a great way to connect with families in your community and some say they can give a major boost to your Facebook traffic too.  But now that Facebook allows business pages to join groups, should you join as your business or as your personal profile to make the most of the groups opportunity?  

It can get tricky and your choice can have a significant impact...

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Hello? Moms Want to Reach You

Oct 23, 2021

Moms' Favorite Ways to Communicate with Local Businesses



Attracting potential customers to your local business is one of the five key steps in the Local Marketer Method, the 5-step system that the most successful local businesses use to convert more customers and grow year over year.

So when a mom has done her research, read the reviews, and is finally ready to reach out with...

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