How to Expand Your Local Social Media Reach

Jan 01, 2021

Get Found on Instagram with Keywords

Ready to be found by more local parents online? If you're marketing to families in your community then that should be one of your ongoing goals. 

Luckily, one of the most popular social media platforms has recently made it easier to get found and we couldn't be happier.

Instagram is moms' number two most used platform when it comes to social media...

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Hulafrog.Biz is now LOCAL MARKETERā„¢

Dec 29, 2020


Hulafrog, Inc.

December 29, 2020

Hulafrog.Biz Announces Name Change to Local Marketer™

Hulafrog’s Local Marketing Training Division Expands and Gets a New Name for 2021

[Atlantic Highlands, NJ | 12/29/20]  Hulafrog.Biz, the online marketing education division of Hulafrog, Inc., announced today that it has changed its name to Local Marketer™.


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6 Ways to Leverage Local Testimonials

Dec 24, 2020

Customer testimonials are like money in the bank for your local business. But just collecting great testimonials is only half the battle, you've got to know how to use those testimonials to make the biggest impact. 

Today we're talking about six ways to use testimonials in your local marketing to boost those customer conversions.


You may have...

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How Moms Feel About Spending in 2021

Dec 17, 2020

Stress, stress, and more stress pretty much sums up how 2020 has been for many of us, especially moms juggling work, homeschooling, quarantining, and everything else that has been thrown their way. 

As we prepare for 2020's series finale, we wondered how moms were feeling. 

Are they feeling positive about 2021?  Ready to spend money on kids' events and activities? ...

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5 Tools Moms Use to Search for Local Businesses

Dec 10, 2020


This week's tip is understanding the resources moms use to find local, kid-friendly businesses like yours.

Once you understand that, there's a whole lot you can do to improve your chances of being the answer to their search.

So how do moms search for local, kid-friendly businesses? These top 5 tactics reigned supreme.


When moms are looking for an indoor...

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Where are Moms Shopping This Holiday?

Dec 02, 2020

According to the National Retail Federation, 2020 holiday spending is predicted to increase by somewhere between 3.6% and 5.2%. 

People might be feeling pandemic fatigue but they're soothing their sadness with some extra spending this year.

That's good news for local businesses that need a boost after a rough year. 

But where are moms planning to spend all this money? 

We asked...

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5 Tips for Finding More Local Parents

Nov 30, 2020


Sometimes when you're a local business trying to reach parents, you feel like you're all alone out there. 

The phone isn't ringing.  Social media posts get crickets.  The inbox isn't filled with new requests for information. 

So where are the parents?  How do you spread the word about your business?

Like most things in life, there isn't just...

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The Perfect Local Promo + FREE Gift

Nov 20, 2020

Holiday shopping looks a little different this year with even more online purchases than usual, potential shipping delays, and various COVID regulations causing challenges for everyone.   

The good news?  Support for local businesses is as strong as it's ever been with moms wanting to keep their holiday dollars close to home.

And there's one thing you can sell that will...

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Don't Skip Small Business Saturday in 2020

Nov 16, 2020

Each year, on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, communities across the country highlight and celebrate their locally owned businesses by celebrating Small Business Saturday.  They encourage everyone to support their local and independent businesses and in turn, the businesses serve up special and unique holiday promotions. 

This year we all need Small Business Saturday more than ever....

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Do Facebook Hashtags Increase Local Reach?

Nov 09, 2020

Hashtags on Facebook?  Yep, they're a thing now and Facebook is working hard to encourage you to use them.  But if you're trying to reach a local audience is it worth the trouble?  Will it improve your reach and engagement? 

We wanted to find out so we did some research for our community of local business owners and marketers, the Member's Club.  Today we're sharing a...

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